
Publicly Accessible and Plant-based Science Online

I am fighting for a future when knowledge about and access to our natural world is not exclusive.

Your native plants are healing your climate.

Plants can change the world.

My goal on the internet is to inspire adaptive and legacy-minded community stewardship with accessible plant-based education.

Vital environmental health solutions are based in community knowledge and empowered by the scientific method. Our climate is rapidly changing on regional and global levels. Therefore, our environmental plans must be locally focused, intersectional, and adaptive. We must think legacy-minded so that future generations can equally enjoy our green, blue, and white spaces. As communities empowered, we can take the actions for impact we need to mend our climate.

I showcase plants changing the world under the handle @SamanthaElieBotanist on Instagram and Facebook and publish articles here on my website www.SamanthaElie.com

Follow Samantha Elie Botanist on Instagram, Facebook, iNaturalist, and LinkedIn to harvest a diversity plant-based solutions.

I also want to hear about your planty pursuits! Use #PlantsCanChangeTheWorld when you or someone you know is making the world a better place with plant-power.

Samantha Elie Botanist